14christy March 11, 2008 at 6:01 pm Wow, I love this post. Simply because it’s the first time I’ve heard someone say its actually easier to be without a man than with one. Money , we all need it so we think its easier to torture ourselves emotionally in order to have a two income household or stay home with the kids. (i think your kids will be happy if mommys working and happy rather than mommy being home and sad. I ‘m married, unhappily I suppose and fantasize of being a single mother. My husband only causes me more heartache than good anyway and I’d much rather deal with financial and job issues than this kind of emotional torture. I don’t want to harp on all men because there are some like the one in the previous post that seem pretty great but I myself haven’t seen them in reality. My experience when men are involved has always been bad. You just end up with twice the work and twice the heartache while they sit back a expect you to do what in there eyes is the “womans job” and then they still have to feel as if they are somehow above you. Most (at least from what they’ve shown me anyway) couldn’t do near as much as women do yet they think they’re somehow better. who needs them. I’m ready to step up and get a freakin’ job for crying out loud. This marriage and housewife stuff is for the birds. I want my life back. I feel giddy with excitement thinking about it despite my worries of starting over and stepping off into the unknown. Thinking of being in this situation I’m in any longer just dampens my spirits. Sucks the life right out of me. I hear so many women are afraid to get out on there own but I don’t think it’s any worse than staying in a bad relationship. At least you don’t have a man in your hair making it tougher. Thats the way I see it. Dealing with life and kids in general is enough, if that man in my life can’t be an adult and not burden me more….see ya buddy. Besides if they(men want to hold on to old fashion values why don’t they hold on to the ideal that they’re suppose to be there for and protect the women and children. Instead they choose to hold on to the ideals of its the womans job to cook and clean my dirty undies….they hold on to the ones that serve there own needs..)I find it scary to depend on a man completly….no way…..I’ll take care of myself, thankyou very much.