Logic Integrated Circuits is a leading distributor of electronic components, specializing in sourcing obsolete and hard-to-find parts. With a vast network and industry expertise, we offer reliable quotes and fast delivery. Our extensive inventory caters to the diverse needs of our global OEM customer base. We prioritize quality with a rigorous QA system and professional QC team. As members of ERAI and certified with ESD, AS9120B, ISO9001, ISO14001, we ensure high standards. Our experienced staff provides personalized solutions, aiming to exceed customer expectations. Trust Origin Data for exceptional service and all your electronic component needs. https://www.origin-ic.net/products/catalog/logic/414 Location: New Yourk, USA Follow Us: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Origin_Data Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Origin-Data-Global-Limited-100878739724371 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Origin_IC Chinese website: https://www.origin-ic.com Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@origin_data