Next up we have the Civilised Europeans: for example, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Peugeot. Now let’s be clear. I’m not talking about their micro-convertibles in this bracket. I’m talking the 6 cylinder or better models. These gents aren’t afraid to invest in quality. They are white-collared, successful men, generally in their 30’s or older. They DO NOT get their hands dirty changing the oil. If they like motorsports, it’s likely to be F1, and they’ve probably been to one of the European rounds (Barcelona, Monaco, etc). These boys like travel, these boys like wine, these boys like eating at fancy restaurants, and these boys like pouring $400 champagne down the cleavage of strippers on a Friday night. And if you can put up with the last one, you’ll get to enjoy the first three. But be careful. These boys like their female companions like their cars – refined, nice to look at, and well-maintained. Don’t let him see you with three-day-old leg stubble; you’ll be traded in faster than Paris Hilton can blink her droopy eye. Then you have the unique, Distinguished Europeans: Jaguar, Rolls Royce, Bentley to name a few. These can be more expensive than the supercars, but not as fast. They’re big, they handle poorly, but it’s all about the name, and all about the ride. And it’s all about owning something unique. These cars are stunning to look at, and sitting in them is like getting a hug from a cloud. 99% are owned by 50 plus, married, opera watching, pipe smoking, old fashioned gentlemen. Good for them. Totally irrelevant for us though ladies. Sorry. Okay, so the above car-owners are super rare to come across and even harder to find in our age range and in our social circles. So I need to spend some time dissecting the “common” Australian cars as well – the Holden, Mitsubishi, Ford, Toyota, Honda, Mazda, etc etc etc. I won’t go on brand, because it’s a personal thing and in Australia your brand of car is more influenced by your parents and how much they brainwashed you, than by independent thought and evaluation of quality, value and excitement.