The most likely explanation when this happens is that he did find you attractive – which is why he spent time trying to get to know you, but is not pursuing you some reason. Perhaps he views you as a “girlfriend” type and he is just into casual hooking up right now. He may have another sort of involvement and is not available to pursue something with you. He may just be a jerk who doesn’t have genuine affection for anyone. When guys act this way, you just have to FIDO (F*ck It Drive On). You’ll probably never know the answer, but it’s not even worth analyzing. Don’t waste the pretty – just get out there and meet some new people!

31strike-three November 1, 2010 at 3:35 pm
I’m having a hard time deciphering whether or not my guy is a douche-bag or just needs more time. He really doesn’t seem like a douche-bag to me, actually seems like one of the best guys I’ve met in years… BUT he is very good-looking, charming and may have a bit of a rockstar complex since he’s a minor league baseball player. All my friends told me to RUN when they heard the last part… This also started as a summer fling, which I went into fully aware of the expiration date. Baseball season ended, he left… I was sad but prepared. I was a little surprised when he kept in contact and even more surprised when he told me he was moving back here… for at least a year maybe longer. Anyway, he’s here now (been a couple months)… conversation is great, sex is amazing, we laugh a lot… a genuine connection (unless I’m delusional) but whenever things get really great he pulls away. I give him his cave time or whatever and he always comes back… I’m keeping my options open “free agent”ing it… trying my best to stay confident or at least fake it. I think I’m doing everything right… but it seems that every time I start feeling excited about our progress he pulls away, usually just a few days at the most but once it was a couple weeks! I thought it was over for sure, but he came back again. I feel like I can’t deny the connection but wonder if I’ll ever get anywhere with this guy due to his “popularity.” So here’s the question, how long do I put up with this rubber band crap before I throw in the towel? All this back and forth is starting to make me nauseous!

32Susan Walsh November 2, 2010 at 3:19 pm
@Strike Three
I’m assuming this guy must be in his mid-20s? It’s an important question because a young guy with a baseball career is not likely to be looking for exclusivity. Obviously, that’s why your friends were alarmed. You have known each other for several months now, and I know you’ve been doing a great job playing it cool, and it’s definitely kept him coming back for more. However, you’re obviously growing tired of it and need to know where things stand. You can ask him about that without coming off as needy. It’s normal, healthy and perfectly rational for you to want to understand the nature of your relationships. If you like him, I would tell him so, and ask him how he feels. If he doesn’t want anything exclusive, you’ve got a decision to make. Either way, at this point you’ll be better off knowing. Either you enter a real relationship, or you stop wasting time and emotional energy. He may be a great guy, but if he wants to avoid commitment, he’s not the right guy for you, not right now.