Tagged bachelor, booty call, car, carwash, date, Dating, ex-boyfriend, exboyfriend, online, relationship, sex, text, wash Take2: Bachelor Number 24 – First date Posted on February 1, 2011 by Take2| Leave a comment “Tell me the truth, are you old enough?” Dragon The song title is ironic. Bachelor Number 24 is 39 years old. My upper threshold. We chatted quite a bit online, but we were unable to meet up because he was in Townsville visiting his parents. He told me that he was normally based in Kuwait selling oil machinery, but was in Australia for a few months ‘taking time out between contracts’. Interesting. Potentially a load of bullshit, but interesting nonetheless. We had been debating back and forth as to the merits of both the Norman Hotel and the Breakfast Creek Hotel here in Brisbane. I’m a fan of the former; he is a fan of the latter. So when he told me he was going to be in Brisbane one weekend, we decided we would go to both, and each could present their case. We flipped a coin to see who went first. Which meant that I was going to the Norman Hotel twice in one day, with two different boys. Bachelor Number 24 scored the dinner shift, and after being dropped off by Bachelor Number 23, quickly changing and brushing my teeth, I was back at the Norman ready to do it all again. When we met, he kissed me on both cheeks and told me I looked amazing, and we sat down at the bar for a pre-dinner drink. We ended up having three beers before going to line up to order our food. The same waitress who served me at lunch was working there. She said “Oh hey, you came-“ and then saw that I was with a different boy, and said “What would you like to order?”