This could also explain the gay white men reply rate to gay ME men. Mainstream Americans are depicted most at odds with Middle Easterners in the media (for whatever reasons). When two groups come into conflict, evolutionarily it is the men from each group that have to go physically fight each other. Evolutionarily you’d expect the men from two groups whose cultures are perceived as being at odds to subconsciously dehumanize or degrade the men from the other group so they are psychologically prepared to do violence if needed. Whites are the largest American racial groups; for them the us-them psychological dynamic with Middle Easterners might be especially strong. This might again cause some psychological thing that impacts attractiveness when judging from a mass of photos at a distance. With a few friendly words on an individual level this would fall away very, very quickly because humans (excepting a few sociopaths who tend to become politicians and corporate leaders) tend toward being a friendly cooperative species whenever possible. Sure this is a complicated way to explain what is maybe more likely to be curiosity, or a fetish, but interesting data could have an interesting explanation. 2. Controling for subculture I’m wondering to what extent subculture plays a role in this racial data, and to what extent it would be possible to control. For example, from mid teens through early 20s, I hated country, western, R&B, pop, most rap, and hiphop. I liked “alternative”, rock, techno, and classical. I wasn’t attracted to guys of any race that were into the former, and was more attracted to guys that were into the latter. I was attracted to Lenny Kravitz for example, and would have dated a black guy with a similar sense of style and subculture. That’s not easy to find where I went to school though. As it was I dated whites and Asians (my HS and uni also happened to have super low diversity, whites and Asians were the two largest ethnic groups).