I love my friends, but it’s tough when you feel like the third wheel. And then of course it doesn’t help when the friends who are in a happy relationship tell you they want to hook you up with some guy they know. Then you realize they too notice how single you are. They might even feel uncomfortable having this single person tag along in the things they do. This makes me wonder why I am always single and I get depressed even though I’m only twenty-three years old and have my whole life ahead of me. But this is something I can’t let bring me down and if you’re in the same situation, you shouldn’t either. Here are some reasons why: Your friends are just trying to help. Your friends aren’t trying to make you feel bad about being single when they try to set you up. They honestly just want you to be happy. If they didn’t try to hook you up with someone, they wouldn’t think you’re good enough to have a significant other. Who knows? Maybe they’ll find your perfect match! More friends with boyfriends or girlfriends means more friends for you! If you are okay with hanging out with your friends significant other, that must mean you like them enough to do so. They are probably a lot of fun to be around. So think of it as making new friends. The more the merrier! You have nothing to worry about!