I have seen SO MUCH evidence in my lifetime of what I already suspected: Only an “ugly” or “backward/shy/introvert” can be considered a REAL victim of anything at all. Whether male or female. If the “victim” happens to be successful and/or attractive everyone shrugs and says “Oh well, fuck em. They already have an advantage”. No we don’t. And the attitude is the same amongst men and women who happen to buy into that attitude (ie: Do you EVER see really fat women identifying with a thin, beautiful woman who has been victimized by crime? NO! They are usually the ones who engage in “slut shaming” and find a way to be delighted that a “pretty girl” has “gotten hers”. Men who are unpopular with women have the SAME ATTITUDE. So do most cops. They act like being a pretty White girl is somehow a free ride and that means we should tolerate everyone’s bullshit and abuse and sexual assault. We shouldn’t. Learn some fucking self-control, start taking groping and this shit seriously, and stop blaming the victim for being “too enticing” physically. I fucking hate those people, I really do. Lady Raine Says: June 24, 2010 at 5:53 PM Julie said: “Buy girls who aren’t friends/acquaintances drinks? etc” I think they actually believe they have a chance of scoring some poon. And that is unreasonable expectations. I learned fairly soon in the game to say no thanks to drink offers because somehow, I paid for that damn drink, just by having to get hit on, listen to silly bar talk, or give out the dreaded SMILE!!! I agree. I have never accepted a drink from a strange man. However, obviously if you are already dating the man he should be paying for your drinks. Again, though….that part is personal preference. But I also feel that the MOMENT a strange man does something nice (like buy a drink) I know that he probably thinks I will somehow owe him a conversation, flirting, sex, sexual-related banter, or he will “score some points” and it is NOT AT ALL worth it to sit there and get hit on…..JUST to have “earned” your shitty free drink.