Of course everyone says that if they get a “nice” message from a non-white person, they respond to it. I hope that’s true of me. I’m not naïve to the possibility of deep-seated racist tendencies of which I am not consciously aware, but I do know that as a rule, messages like the examples above are not messages that I want to respond to, whoever wrote them. I would also add that I don’t often respond to messages from people who don’t live in the UK, because I’m not currently looking for penpals. Especially not penpals who primarily want to talk about my physical assets. So I think I would be careful to dismiss the entire thing as “racist”. Although I dare say there is a lot of racism around on OkCupid, and even the most liberal of us may be subconsciously party that racism, there are lots of factors that broadly correlate with race due to language gaps and cultural differences, and these may be affecting the response figures. October 6, 2009 at 4:41 am NeeAnderTall says: U.S. White male interest in middle eastern women can be a multi-faceted proposition for them. Historically when soldiers deploy overseas, there will be some marriages with indeginous women in the country they are deployed too. Some could see it as the White males saving underpriviledged women from their situation by offering them a a more secular, with equal rights in the U.S. Another facet, is the discovery that women the world over each have a beauty all to their own, and bringing something exotic home has it’s trophy appeal. Venezuela for example tends to slow down the paperwork when it is discovered the Lady applying for an exit visa is beautiful. Venezuela considers it’s beautiful women a natural resource and is proud of their Miss Universe record. Mail order brides can be another indication of any racial Males interest in the exotic over “home grown” women who would be more dependant upon the male to provide for them in an Alien country. Lifting the veil off of the faces of the women of the Middle East and Persia has piqued the interests of the males in the West.