October 16, 2009 at 9:53 pm
speculator says:
I was rather surprised to see that women seem to have a stronger racial bias than men in this area. But perhaps there’s more to it than that. I always figured that women based their choices more on how much money a man has, or how successful they perceive him to be (or likely to become). After all, evolution has programmed them to select mates who are best able to provide for them, right? In the US, white men tend to be more financially successful than others (largely due to having more opportunities). Might this be at least part of the reason women of all ethnicities are favoring white men? Not because of how they look, but for what they can provide?

Just a thought.

October 17, 2009 at 2:31 am
Mia says:
As long as we live in a society dominated by whites, they will always appear to be more “desirable” to others. You don’t see too many positive images of black women and asian men in the media. Asian men are never depicted as being masculine unless they are in a martial arts film. Like someone stated above, Sanjay Gupta is one of few Asian males I see on television on a daily basis. The vast majority of images I see on tv are white people. They are grossly overrepresented on nearly every station.

Just turn on the TV and watch “Hollywood’s hottest women” or some crap like that. Out of 100 women 86 of them are probably white. There may be a token black (Halle Berry and Beyonce), Latina (Eva Mendez, Eva Longoria), or Asian (Lucy Lu) on the list. Everything is so heavily dominated by whites in the media. You would think there were no attractive women of other races. And the white women chosen as the “hottest” half of them are average looking. The media has a lot to do with how people view others and even how they view themselves.