QT-Sneezy's avatar QT-Sneezy wrote on February 17 2010 @ 08:39 am: [report] @Vicequeenmaria - Hear, hear! Gingee's avatar Gingee wrote on February 17 2010 @ 10:38 am: [report] Oh my gosh, here we go again. Someone else is seeking a reason to pry into why some women are not having sex, presumably sex with another male. It is none of my business if and when my friends are having sex or not, and if they’re NOT, the reason is also none of my business. My guess: The current crop of men are not that attractive. breakthisvanity's avatar breakthisvanity wrote on February 17 2010 @ 11:39 am: [report] I clicked the link, but did not find the actual article. No link. No reference. I don’t really believe the media’s spin on psychological/scientific research. They always blow things out of proportion, or misrepresent it entirely. If it isn’t published in a good journal (note: not ANY journal.. and results this surprising WOULD be published in an excellent journal), it probably isn’t very good or sound. I’d also like to check the methods and results section, as well as references. Has anyone read the actual paper? Or can find it?? Karmabalance's avatar Karmabalance wrote on February 17 2010 @ 03:29 pm: [report]