void AuthSession::RealmListCallback(PreparedQueryResult result)
std::map<uint32, uint8> characterCounts;
if (result)
Field* fields = result->Fetch();
characterCounts[fields[0].GetUInt32()] = fields[1].GetUInt8();
} while (result->NextRow());
// Circle through realms in the RealmList and construct the return packet (including # of user characters in each realm)
ByteBuffer pkt;
size_t RealmListSize = 0;
for (RealmList::RealmMap::value_type const& i : sRealmList->GetRealms())
Realm const& realm = i.second;
// don't work with realms which not compatible with the client
bool okBuild = ((_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) && realm.Build == _build) || ((_expversion & PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG) && !AuthHelper::IsPreBCAcceptedClientBuild(realm.Build));
// No SQL injection. id of realm is controlled by the database.
uint32 flag = realm.Flags;
RealmBuildInfo const* buildInfo = AuthHelper::GetBuildInfo(realm.Build);
if (!okBuild)
if (!buildInfo)
flag |= REALM_FLAG_OFFLINE | REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD; // tell the client what build the realm is for
if (!buildInfo)
std::string name = realm.Name;
if (_expversion & PRE_BC_EXP_FLAG && flag & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << name << " (" << buildInfo->MajorVersion << '.' << buildInfo->MinorVersion << '.' << buildInfo->BugfixVersion << ')';
name = ss.str();
uint8 lock = (realm.AllowedSecurityLevel > _accountInfo.SecurityLevel) ? 1 : 0;
pkt << uint8(realm.Type); // realm type
if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) // only 2.x and 3.x clients
pkt << uint8(lock); // if 1, then realm locked
pkt << uint8(flag); // RealmFlags
pkt << name;
pkt << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(realm.GetAddressForClient(GetRemoteIpAddress()));
pkt << float(realm.PopulationLevel);
pkt << uint8(characterCounts[realm.Id.Realm]);
pkt << uint8(realm.Timezone); // realm category
if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) // 2.x and 3.x clients
pkt << uint8(realm.Id.Realm);
pkt << uint8(0x0); // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients
if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG && flag & REALM_FLAG_SPECIFYBUILD)
pkt << uint8(buildInfo->MajorVersion);
pkt << uint8(buildInfo->MinorVersion);
pkt << uint8(buildInfo->BugfixVersion);
pkt << uint16(buildInfo->Build);
if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) // 2.x and 3.x clients
pkt << uint8(0x10);
pkt << uint8(0x00);
else // 1.12.1 and 1.12.2 clients
pkt << uint8(0x00);
pkt << uint8(0x02);
// make a ByteBuffer which stores the RealmList's size
ByteBuffer RealmListSizeBuffer;
RealmListSizeBuffer << uint32(0);
if (_expversion & POST_BC_EXP_FLAG) // only 2.x and 3.x clients
RealmListSizeBuffer << uint16(RealmListSize);
RealmListSizeBuffer << uint32(RealmListSize);
ByteBuffer hdr;
hdr << uint8(REALM_LIST);
hdr << uint16(pkt.size() + RealmListSizeBuffer.size());
hdr.append(RealmListSizeBuffer); // append RealmList's size buffer
hdr.append(pkt); // append realms in the realmlist
_status = STATUS_AUTHED;