From Sharp Peafowl, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Garage 47
  2. Contact:
  3. Address: 4701 El Camino Ave, Carmichael CA 95608 USA
  4. Phone: 916-972-1872
  5. Website:
  6. About US:
  7. In Carmichael, you have plenty of auto repair options to choose from, but when you want the job done right at a fair price, then Garage 47 is your answer. Hiring only experienced and qualified mechanics, we've assembled an impressive team for your repair needs – diagnostics, inspections, maintenance, oil changes, tires and wheels, engine repairs, electrical systems, windshield repair and replacement, and much more. Dial 916-972-1872 to schedule your repair visit with us.
  8. Related Searches:
  9. Top Rated | Brake Service | Auto Repair Shop | Pre-purchase/safety Inspection | Cooling System Service/Repair | Engine Repair | Oil Change | Engine Diagnostics | Check Engine Light | Air Conditioning Service and Repair
  10. GMB listing:
  12. Additional detail:
  13. Hours:
  14. Monday - Friday: 8AM to 5PM Saturday: 8AM to 3PM (appointment recommended) Sunday: Closed

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Re: Untitled Mustard Plover text 1 Year ago.