From Violet Marten, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Sonshine Electric Inc
  2. Contact:
  3. Address: 851 S State Highway 205, Rockwall, TX 75032
  4. Phone: 214-356-1413
  5. Website:
  7. About Us:
  8. Electrical work in Rockwall shouldn't be shocking, either from a price or performance perspective. At Sonshine Electric Inc, our experienced electricians are top shelf and our services such as new installations, inspections, and lighting are all affordably priced. Dial 214-356-1413 to schedule your local visit.
  9. Related searches:
  10. Electrical Contractors |Electrical Services |Contractor Electrical |Electrical Solutions |Commercial Electrical Services |Residential Electrical Services |Construction Wiring |Electrical Residential Services
  11. Additional Details:
  12. Operating Hours
  13. Monday - Friday (9 am - 5 pm) Saturday - Sunday (Closed)

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Re: Untitled Jittery Dormouse text 1 Year ago.