We’ll see what happens next though. If I don’t fuck next time I chill with her, I’m likely to just grow tired of this whole little game and just leave her alone.
The only reason she’s even getting a date four is because of how far and how physical we got on the top of the mountain. So, in my mind, it seems like I should be real close to fucking.
GirlX April 6, 2010 at 2:13 pm
Well, like I said… I’m not like most girls.. but I’d definitely change my mind if a guy was treating me to a nice date like that. Maybe I’m used to dating a lot of scrubs, but I think you’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty and she should be giving a little more in return. It’s not often that a guy really piques my interest that much and if he does, he’ll get all the attention he wants for the effort he puts in.
I think your next step sounds right.. if she doesn’t start to give up something more (attention, physical, whatever) you should leave her alone. She will come running back once the attention is gone…. then you can call the shots. :)
Vincent Ignatius April 6, 2010 at 7:03 am
GirlX is right.
You have a decent chance at banging this girl, but you have to play it cool, more cool than you have been. Let her chase your approval, then pump and dump. Attention seeking girls don’t deserve any better.