From Aqua Motmot, 3 Months ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. RTR Automotive
  2. Contact:
  3. Address:  Palmyra, NY, 14522
  4. Phone:  1 315-597-4142
  5. Website URL:
  7. About Us:
  8. In Palmyra, you have plenty of auto repair options, but few can measure up to the high standards and impeccable quality of RTR Automotive. Hiring only the best mechanics in town, we've assembled an impressive team for all of our services – diagnostics, inspections,maintenance, oil changes, tires and wheels, engine repairs, electrical systems, and windshield repair and replacement.
  9. Related searches:
  10. Auto Repair Services in Palmyra | Auto Repair in New York | Auto Diagnostics in Palmyra | lube and oil services in New York | Car inspections in Palmyra
  11. Additional Details:
  12. Hours:
  13. Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm, Saturday 8am - 12pm (By Appointment), Sunday Closed