From Colossal Owl, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Select Renovations
  2. Contact
  3. Address: PO Box 181, Regina beach Saskatchewan, S0G 4C0
  4. Phone: 3065262178
  5. Website:
  7. About us:
  8. Updating your Regina beach property with a remodel or renovation is a great way to breathe new life into your space. At Select Renovations, we believe that every bathroom remodel,kitchen remodel, construction job, or addition project we do should be a seamless integration into your existing property, both in terms of aesthetic design and function. We have been in business for Sunrooms, Screen Rooms, Patio Covers, Pergolas, Windows, Doors. From shopping malls to apartment complexes to massive distribution centers in Regina Beach and beyond, Select Renovations has the knowledge and experience necessary to transform your construction ideas to successful realization.. Call us at 306-526-2178 to schedule an appointment.
  9. Related searches:
  10. sunrooms| screen rooms| patio covers| Pergola| Windows/Doors
  11. Additional Detail:
  12. Hours
  13. Mon - Sun 7AM - 7PM

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Re: Untitled Bitty Lizard text 1 Year ago.
Re: Untitled Beefy Lizard text 1 Year ago.