From Gray Goat, 1 Year ago, written in Plain Text.
  1. Business Name:
  2. Car Service La Mesa
  3. Owner name:
  4. Rogelio
  5. Address:
  6. 8861 La Mesa Blvd.
  7. La Mesa
  8.  CA 91942
  9. Phone: 
  10. (619) 439-7222
  11. Business Email:
  12. Website URL:
  14. Keywords:
  15. Car service in La Mesa
  16. Description:
  17. We provide top quality automotive services and repairs at an affordable price. We understand your vehicle is a major investment, and that is why our goal is to deliver the best and most reliable auto service.
  18. Over 30 Years Helping Customers Keep Their Vehicles Safely on the Road.
  19. Year Found:
  20. 2023
  21. Number of Employee:
  22. 2
  23. Operation Hours:
  24. Mon-Friday 8:00-5:00 pm
  25. GMB Link